Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday, January 31

Students received (1) a syllabus (2) a letter introducing the course and the instructor, with a form to be signed by parents and/or guardians and returned by the end of the week, and (3) a packet of short readings about early cinema.

Mr. P briefly introduced the course, stressing that it is a serious class in film studies concentrating on early silent and black-and-white films.

We then began at something like the beginning, learning about the fabled acreening at the Grand Cafe, Paris, put on by the Lumiere brothers and attended by Georges Melies. We then watched one of the films shown that night, and an assortment of other short early films, including both actualities (Niagra Falls) and magical films (The Motorist, The Golden Beetle), as well as an early example of a fiction film (Daring Daylight Burglary).

HW due Tuesday:
Read the syllabus carefully and prepare for a quiz over it in class.

HW due Wednesday:
Read the packet on the beginnings of cinema.

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