Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wednesday, December 19

We went over the Film Noir quiz, students answered the questions as a class, and everybody who took the quiz received 100% (Merry Xmas). Then we partied and watched the first episode of the 1936 Flash Gordon serial.

HW due Friday, January 4:
Your assignment for the holidays is to write one longer or two shorter movie reviews and submit them online, either to The Internet Movie Database (IMDB) or to You must write at least 500 words total. (IMDB encourages somewhat longer reviews than does Amazon; you could submit two reviews to Amazon or either one or two to IMDB.) Note: it turns out you can't post reviews on Amazon unless you have an account on which you have purchased something! (Oops.) So: unless you do have such an account: IMDB.

Tuesday, December 18:

We watched the second half of Detour and students then took a quiz on film noir.

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